Tenvoorde Ford, Inc.
Season Of Giving

As a member of the Central Minnesota Community for over 120 years, Tenvoorde Ford is celebrating a Season for Giving with you.
This year, we are doing a Thanksgiving Feast of a treasure hunt. Vehicles will be parked at secret locations around the Saint Cloud metro area, and clues will be provided every Monday and Tuesday starting on 11/4/2024, with new clues each week on 11/11, 11/18, and 11/25/ 2024.
These vehicles will have a Gold Coin somewhere on them. It could be under a bumper, in the fuel cap area, by a tire, or somewhere else on the vehicle or nearby the vehicle.
Bring this Gold Coin into Tenvoorde Ford and claim your Thanksgiving in a Box complete with Turkey and all the fixings. Listen to this station, visit our Facebook page, or call in for clues every Monday at 1 and 4 pm and every Tuesday at 10 am. Celebrate a Season for Giving only at your Tenvoorde Ford.
Check our Facebook and/or X pages for clues, or call the dealership on Mondays and Tuesdays to ask for the latest clue.
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